Leadership Opportunities

Lions Gate Student Council

Take advantage of opportunities to get involved in your residence hall! The Lions Gate Student Council is a student organization committed to advocating, leading, and engaging residential students to build community at Lions Gate.

Lions Gate Student Council Executive Board is made up of student officer positions such as President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice President of Marketing & Programming. The officer positions run the board meetings, set agendas, and plan events with two professional staff advisors; the Coordinator and Assistant Director of Residence Life.

Building Reps are non-elected positions within Lions Gate Student Council where students can grow their leadership skills by representing their floors within the council, participate in helping to plan and execute events, and work along-side their RA to build community on their floor and building.

Lions Gate Student Council will run elections at the start of move in and Fall semester for students interested in being on the Executive Board. Building Reps interest will also begin at the start of the Fall semester.