The Pennsylvania State University Conduct Standards Agreement

For the safety and overall welfare of all Penn State study abroad participants, the Conduct Standards Agreement has been adopted by the University. Each student must read and agree to the terms of this document upon accepting an offer of enrollment in one of the University's international education programs. Please remember that as a participant on a Penn State program you are not only representing yourself but you are also an ambassador of the United States and Penn State.

The following are the conduct standards that each education abroad participant is expected to meet for the duration of the Education Abroad program. Students who fail to uphold these standards may be faced with any or all of the following consequences: sanctions imposed by the host institution, Penn State's Office of Judicial Affairs, and the host country's officials, and/or dismissal from the program. The decision to terminate a student's participation will be made by the on-site coordinator after direct consultation with Global Programs staff.

A student may be dismissed without warning or prior notice. If dismissed, credits and grades for completed course work may not be given, and neither Penn State nor the host institution is obligated to refund any part of the fees associated with the study abroad program.

  • Because you are a participant in a program officially sponsored by Penn State, you are expected to maintain behavior that is consistent with Penn State's Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the program and/or further judicial review at Penn State upon your return.
  • You are subject to the laws of your host institution and the host country. Neither Penn State nor the United States government is in a position to protect you from prosecution.
  • Possession, use or dissemination of illicit drugs is prohibited.
  • Abuse of alcohol is prohibited and may result in termination from the program.
  • Students must attend all classes as well as mandatory field trips and other class activities unless excused by the on-site coordinator or faculty leader.
  • Respect property of the host institution, host family (if applicable) and other students. Should you cause any damage to persons or property while participating on a Penn State international education program, you will be responsible for all costs and liability associated with it. Liability insurance is highly recommended, and on some programs is required.
  • Driving laws and customs vary from country to country. Driving while on a Penn State program abroad is strongly discouraged. If you operate a motor vehicle in a foreign country, you will run the risk of violating laws and liability requirements with which you are unfamiliar.
  • Where applicable, students must abide by all household rules that have been established by families, residence halls and program coordinators.
  • Behavior that is deemed detrimental to yourself or others (including, but not limited to, sexual harassment) is cause for dismissal.
  • In the event of an absence from the program due to an emergency situation (i.e., illness or accident) or dismissal, the emergency contacts you have indicated on the Emergency Contact & Health/ Welfare Information form will be notified immediately.

I have read and understood the conduct standards as outlined by the Pennsylvania State University . I hereby agree to abide by the standards listed above and will accept disciplinary consequences if I fail to do so. A copy of this signed document will be filed in the Office of Global
Education & Engagement.