Innovation Challenge Program

The Big Innovation Challenge

Program Overview

For organizations large and small, the ability to innovate and solve complex problems is crucial for their success and sustainability.  The Big Innovation Challenge actively engages individuals in a fast paced, collaborative program designed to enhance empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills.  By introducing techniques of design thinking and ideation, participants learn how to drive innovation and effectively tackle challenges within their organization. 

Program Duration

The Big Innovation Challenge works best as a full-day program with a collaborative ideation session over lunch and group presentations at the conclusion.  The Big Innovation Challenge also works well as a competition with judges selecting the best presented solution. 

Program Audience 

  • Executives and managers responsible for driving innovation 
  • Current and emerging organization leaders seeking to enhance their problem-solving capabilities 

The Big Innovation Challenge works well for corporate professional development, organizational team building, and teacher development programming.   

The Big Innovation Challenge works best with at least 15 participants. 

Abington LaunchBox Innovation Challenge

Program Overview

Solving a problem is a core function for businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations.  For students in any major, developing skills like empathy, defining and communicating problems, and developing innovative solutions are critically important.  The LaunchBox Innovation Challenge is designed to introduce the design thinking process, ideation activities, and collaborative problem solving.   

Program Duration 

The Innovation Challenge works best as a 2-hour program delivered at the organization or in the classroom. 

Program Audience 

  • Current and emerging organization leaders seeking to enhance their problem-solving capabilities. 
  • College and university classrooms 
  • K-12 classrooms 

Abington LaunchBox Innovation Jam Session 

Program Overview 

Many college and K-12 campuses are equipped with Makerspaces and labs that offer highly interactive and engaging learning experiences.  The LaunchBox Innovation Jam Sessions provide a structure for these spaces to host a low barrier to entry introduction to their space, their programming, and to design thinking and innovation principles.  Innovation Jam Sessions are drop in/drop out sessions where members of the targeted community can stop by and informally learn and experience innovation in action.  Participants are challenged to use available parts to assemble and test a function television antenna.  Exposure to innovation through hands on design work and fast feedback allows participants to experience a fail fast culture that is often at the heart of innovative organizations. 

Program Duration 

The LaunchBox Innovation Jam Session works best as a Drop in/Drop out or Open House style program delivered at the organization or in a Makerspace/Lab space. 

Program Audience 

  • Students and community members 

Program duration and objectives can be adapted to meet the needs of your organization.  

For more information, contact Randy Ingbritsen, Regional Lead, Continuing Education and Innovation, at [email protected].