Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Katherine Burke [email protected]
Instructor of Mathematics
Dr. Kathleen Burke
Editor-in Chief, Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, Advisory Board (Current Vice Chair)
Sherese Burnam [email protected]
Professional Adviser, Advising Center
Sutherland, 221A 215-881-7606
Spencer Butterwick [email protected]
Laboratory Instrument Repair Technician-Physics, Academic Affairs
Woodland 215-881-7453
Gary Calore, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Professor of Philosophy, American Studies
Associate Professor, Health Humanities
Sutherland, 417
Chavonne Campbell [email protected]
Disabilities Coordinator, Student Affairs
Sutherland, 102 215-881-7962
Kevin Cannon, Ph.D. [email protected]
Professor, Chemistry
Program Coordinator, Chemistry
Program Coordinator, Physics
Woodland, 314 215-881-7468
Trish Cappiello [email protected]
Joni Cappuccio [email protected]
Rachel Carse [email protected]
Instructor in Economics
Tony Catanzaro [email protected]
Adjunct Instructor Business/Supply Chain, Business
322, Sutherland
Keith Cetera [email protected]
Instructor of Biobehavioral Health
Carla Chamberlin-Quinlisk [email protected]
Professor of Applied Linguistics/ Communication Arts & Sciences, Early Childhood/Elementary Education
Co-Coordinator, Center for Intercultural Leadership and Communication (CILC)
Sutherland, 328
Kelly Chan [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Science and Engineering, Academic Affairs
Woodland, 216 215-881-7570
Matthew Chellel [email protected]
Academic Advisor, Division of Arts & Humanities, Advising Center
Sutherland, 224b
Ying Chu Chen, Ph.D. [email protected]
Instructor, Chinese
Yibai Chen, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry
Woodland, 335 215-881-7530
Lisa Chewning, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Professor, Corporate Communication
Sutherland, 416
Rosa Maria Chism, M.A. [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Spanish
Coordinator of World Languages and Language Testing and Certification, Penn State Abington
Sutherland, 313
George Choe
President and CEO Phillip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation, Advisory Board