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Student paddling cardboard boat in a pool
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Engineering students test the waters in the Cardboard Regatta

A required design course for first-year engineering students culminated in the Cardboard Regatta. Students developed fundamentals such as hands-on design and technical skills as they worked on teams to build a boat strong enough to support an adult using only cardboard and plastic sheeting.

Four students holding one finger up for "First Gen" students
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Why I'm First

43% of Penn State Abington students this year are first-generation college students. Check out this video on what it means for them to say I'm First.

YouTube Video (eOBsD9vd_jo)
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YouTube Video (eOBsD9vd_jo)

Penn State Abington engineering students designed and built a trebuchet using skills they acquired in their coursework. They tested it by launching pumpkins across a campus field.