"Penn State Abington College is indeed a metaphor for American values and the expanding frontier of inclusion. It is a metaphor for our nation’s belief in limitless possibilities, the value of hard work, the importance of grit and determination to succeed."
At 7:15 p.m. Oct. 6, the University community will come together to kick off "All In at Penn State: A Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion" on Old Main lawn, University Park, and from campuses via livestream: allin.psu.edu/kickoffevent #WeAre All In. Are you?
Stand for State believes that everyone deserves to be safe and everyone plays a role in watching out for each other's safety. This video explores how the 3 D's -- direct, distract and delegate -- can deescalate an unsafe situation and explains how to turn red dots (unsafe situations) on campus into green dots (a choice to help someone). It challenges students to look out for their friends and to find opportunities to add green dots to the map.
"During my first semester, I was so nervous I didn't want to move, not even sneeze. But it is the single step of trying something new, sitting next to someone you don’t know or joining an organization that opens doors to growth and friendship." - Charlena Frank, Penn State Abington Student Government Association president.
General engineering majors from Penn State Abington and Brandywine developed a mobile robot to inspect storm water pipes in nearby Horsham Township. This field test demonstrates some of its capabilities. The township saved about $60,000 by working with the students instead of purchasing a robot.