Psychological & Social Sciences Five Things

Top 5 things to expect from the PSS Major:

  1. You’ll have amazing internship opportunities that are directly connected to the PSS Program! We have students doing consumer psychology at Proctor and Gamble Corporation, museum and program evaluation work at the United States Constitution Center, as well as wonderful clinical settings.

  2. You’ll be able to work one on one with a diverse group of faculty, whether it be as a thesis student, working in a research laboratory, doing independent studies, or completing an ACURA project.

  3. You’ll develop skills and have experiences that actually apply to the real world! A degree in PSS means you can think critically about the social world, and it means you know how to ask and answer questions. This skill set is something that employers want and graduate schools expect.

  4. You’ll get the chance to do your own scholarship! Every year, students develop their own research studies and routinely present them at regional and national conferences. In the past 5 years, dozens and dozens of students have gone to such conferences and presented their work, all across the country, and Penn State Abington covers the costs.

  5. You’ll be part of the PSS Community. PSS is one of the largest majors on campus, but it’s also a close-knit community. There are tons of events related to the major that students are often in charge of and students spend a lot of time with each other, taking similar classes along a similar time line. Come graduation, PSS students often feel like they’re saying goodbye to family, not just friends.