Penn State's academic rank promotions have been announced for tenure-line faculty members, effective July 1.
The following is a list of academic promotions for tenured and tenure-line faculty members at Penn State, effective July 1.
Penn State's fixed-term faculty promotions have also been announced.
The following individuals have been promoted to professor:
Mark E. Ballora, music technology, College of Arts and Architecture
Michael R. Bartolacci, information sciences and technology, Penn State Berks
Richard A. Brazier, mathematics, Penn State DuBois
Forrest S. Briscoe, management and organization, Smeal College of Business
Sy-Miin Chow, human development and family studies, College of Health and Human Development
Shirley E. Clark, environmental engineering, Penn State Harrisburg
Mihai Comanescu, electrical engineering, Penn State Altoona
Andrew R. Deans, entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences
Wojciech Dorabiala, mathematics, Penn State Altoona
Sinisa Dovat, pediatrics, pharmacology, and biochemistry and molecular biology, College of Medicine
Sjoerd W. Duiker, soil management and applied soil physics, College of Agricultural Sciences
Greg A. Eghigian, history, College of the Liberal Arts
Ivan E. Esparragoza, engineering, Penn State Brandywine
Robert E. Farrell, biology, Penn State York
Sukhdeep Gill, human development and family studies, Penn State York
Adam B. Glick, veterinary science, College of Agricultural Sciences
Bruce J. Gluckman, engineering science and mechanics, College of Engineering
Sona N. Golder, political science, College of the Liberal Arts
Matthew R. Golder, political science, College of the Liberal Arts
Melanie D. Hetzel-Riggin, psychology, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Kathryn W. Jablokow, engineering design and mechanical engineering, College of Engineering, Penn State Great Valley
Krishna P. Jayakar, telecommunications, Bellisario College of Communications
Lasse Jensen, chemistry, Eberly College of Science
Kelly Dowhower Karpa, pharmacology, College of Medicine
Alexander Klippel, geography, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Lan Kong, public health sciences, College of Medicine
Glen E. Kreiner, management, Smeal College of Business
Luke F. LaBorde, food science, College of Agricultural Sciences
Semyon Litvinov, mathematics, Penn State Hazleton
Angela Lueking, energy and mineral engineering, and chemical engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Keefe B. Manning, biomedical engineering, College of Engineering
Jonathan P. Mathews, energy and mineral engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Cristin L. Millett, art, College of Arts and Architecture
Miguel A. Mostafá, physics, Eberly College of Science
Matthew B. Parkinson, engineering design and mechanical engineering, College of Engineering
Koraly E. Perez-Edgar, psychology, College of the Liberal Arts
Scott T. Phillips, chemistry, Eberly College of Science
Ute Poerschke, architecture, College of Arts and Architecture
Senel Poyrazli, counseling psychology, Penn State Harrisburg
Esther S. Prins, education, College of Education
Nilam Ram, human development and family studies, and psychology, College of Health and Human Development
Jason L. Rasgon, entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences
Sofya Raskhodnikova, computer science and engineering, College of Engineering
David R. Riley, architectural engineering, College of Engineering
Robert M. Rioux, chemical engineering, College of Engineering
Elsa S. Sánchez, horticultural systems management, College of Agricultural Sciences
Jie Shan, physics, Eberly College of Science
Amit Sharma, hospitality management, College of Health and Human Development
Kenneth S. Sherrill, English, Penn State Altoona
Rachel A. Smith, communication arts and sciences, College of the Liberal Arts
Thomas E. Spratt, biochemistry and molecular biology, College of Medicine
David B. Stambler, saxophone, College of Arts and Architecture
Paul C. Taylor, philosophy and African-American studies, College of the Liberal Arts
Linda C. Thornton, music education, College of Arts and Architecture
Lorena Tribe, chemistry, Penn State Berks
Jennifer A. Wagner Lawlor, women's, gender, and sexuality studies and English, College of the Liberal Arts
Daniel J. Weiss, psychology and linguistics, College of the Liberal Arts
Angiline L. Whitney, education, College of Education
Na Xiong, immunology, College of Agricultural Sciences
Christopher M. Yengo, cellular and molecular physiology, College of Medicine
Nanyin Zhang, biomedical engineering, College of Engineering
The following individual has been promoted to librarian:
Binh P. Le, reference and instruction, University Libraries, Penn State Abington
The following individuals have been promoted to senior scientist:
Timothy A. Brungart, Applied Research Laboratory
Todd A. Palmer, Applied Research Laboratory
The following individuals have been promoted to associate professor:
Necdet S. Aybat, industrial engineering, College of Engineering
Le Bao, statistics, Eberly College of Science
Amy B. Carney, history, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Ariane R. Cruz, women's, gender, and sexuality studies, College of the Liberal Arts
Sarah A. Damaske, labor and employment relations, College of the Liberal Arts
Christopher G. Engeland, biobehavioral health and nursing, College of Health and Human Development
Roman Engel-Herbert, materials science and engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Gregory M. Fosco, human development and family studies, and psychology, College of Health and Human Development
Miriam A. Freedman, chemistry, Eberly College of Science
Mary Grace I. Galinato, chemistry, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Charles F. Geier, human development and family studies, College of Health and Human Development
Shannon D. Goff, art, College of Arts and Architecture
Nathan M. Greenauer, psychology, Penn State Berks
Christopher M. Guzman, music, College of Arts and Architecture
David P. Hughes, entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences
Benjamin W. Infantolino, kinesiology, Penn State Berks
Elizabeth N. Kadetsky, English, College of the Liberal Arts
Kilic B. Kanat, political science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Kathleen Keller, nutritional sciences, College of Health and Human Development
Lisa A. Kitko, nursing, College of Nursing
Manish Kumar, chemical engineering, College of Engineering
Matam Vijay Kumar, nutritional sciences, College of Health and Human Development
Jayne M. Leh, special education, Penn State Berks
Yuexing C. Li, astronomy and astrophysics, Eberly College of Science
Sara D. Luttfring, English, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Yingwei Mao, biology, Eberly College of Science
Lauren J. Martin, sociology, Penn State Berks
Judkins C. Mathews, law, Penn State Law
Bryan L. McDonald, history, College of the Liberal Arts
Kathryn Merkel-Hess McDonald, history and Asian studies, College of the Liberal Arts
Scarlett R. Miller, engineering design and industrial engineering, College of Engineering
Patricia Y. Miranda, health policy and administration, College of Health and Human Development
Shannon M. Monnat, rural sociology and demography, College of Agricultural Sciences
Jason Z. Moore, mechanical engineering, College of Engineering
Brent B. Moritz, supply chain management, Smeal College of Business
Janet M. Neigh, English, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Dinesh R. Pai, supply chain management, Penn State Harrisburg
George H. Perry, anthropology and Biology, College of the Liberal Arts
James H. Precht, history, Penn State Fayette
Dara E. Purvis, law, Penn State Law
Jan S. Reimann, mathematics, Eberly College of Science
Lesley A. Ross, human development and family studies, College of Health and Human Development
Kathryn E. Salzer, history, College of the Liberal Arts
Crystal R. Sanders, history and African-American studies, College of the Liberal Arts
Kathryn S. Scherf, psychology, College of the Liberal Arts
Hans Schmidt, communications, Penn State Brandywine
David W. Seitz, communication arts and sciences, Penn State Mont Alto
Chad E. Shenk, human development and family studies, and pediatrics, College of Health and Human Development
Mark D. Threeton, education, College of Education
Conrad S. Tucker, engineering design and industrial engineering, College of Engineering
Joseph M. Valente, education, College of Education
Anne M. Vardo-Zalik, biology, Penn State York
Robin Redmon Wright, adult education, Penn State Harrisburg
The following individual has been promoted to associate librarian:
Laura J. Ax-Fultz, information services and outreach, University Libraries, Dickinson Law
The following individuals have been promoted to senior research associate:
Robert L. Campbell, Applied Research Laboratory
Michael H. Krane, Applied Research Laboratory
Justin K. Watson, Applied Research Laboratory
The following individuals have been promoted to county extension educators:
Tanner Delvalle, horticulture
Heather Manzo, agriculture entrepreneurship and economic and community development
The following individual has been promoted to associate extension educator:
Carla Snyder, agriculture entrepreneurship and economic and community development