Abington to explore 'The Mysterious World of Handwriting Analysis'

Penn State Abington's Cultural Arts series will get started at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 29, in room 112 of the Woodland Building on campus.

Allan K. Grim Jr., a professional handwriting analyst from Bucks County and author of "Strokes" (written under the pen name Martin J.H. Povser), a comprehensive work of handwriting analysis, will present "Inside the Fascinating, Mysterious World of Handwriting Analysis." Attendees will learn the fundamentals of this scientific technique that reveals the writer’s personality and character. According to Grim, over 100 personality traits can be determined from a sizable (one-to-two page) writing sample.

Grim helps businesses, schools, lawyers and the police by investigating questioned documents: threatening and anonymous notes, graffiti and forged signatures. Grim will be available to sign books after the presentation. Admission and parking are free; the event is open to the public but space is limited. Register by calling 215-881-7800. For information and a complete listing of events for the Abington Cultural Arts Series, call 215-881-7800 or go to http://www.abington.psu.edu/cultural-arts online.
