
Lion Shrine Close-up

Penn State provides update on teaching modes for summer and fall 2021

Penn State is planning a phased return over the summer semester to a full on-campus learning environment for fall 2021. The University’s priorities continue to be the health and well-being of its students, faculty, staff and local communities, and the plans for expanded in-person classes have the flexibility built in to quickly respond to changing pandemic conditions, if necessary.

Faculty Senate votes to reinstate alternative grading for spring 2021

After considerable debate at its first meeting of the semester, the Penn State Faculty Senate voted to implement an optional, opt-in alternative grading system for the spring 2021 semester. The 79-62 vote reinstates Senate Policy 49-70, which established the alternative grading system previously implemented during the spring and fall 2020 semesters to provide flexibility to undergraduate students adversely impacted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Snow - Old Main mall

A message from President Barron on violence in nation's capital

"The violence and lawlessness that occurred at the United States Capitol Wednesday afternoon are an affront to the values of our country and another distressing result of the erosion of civil discourse – the civil discourse that is a hallmark of the United States’ democracy," writes Penn State President Eric J. Barron in a message to the University community. "I know many in our community have witnessed and watched this event unfold with intense sorrow, anger and fear." "We have seen leaders of both parties denounce this violence, and we too condemn these actions without equivocation. We must remember violence is never the answer."

Testing requirements for students who must return to campus communities

As part of plans announced to begin the spring 2021 semester remotely, the University is urging students who live off campus to postpone their return to their campus community unless it is necessary for work, academic-program-specific reasons or other important circumstances. Students who must return to their campus community before Feb. 15 or who have remained in their campus community over winter break will be required to order and complete a free COVID-19 test before their arrival.
Snow falls on Old Main bell

Penn State to begin spring semester remotely, delay in-person classes

Penn State has decided to delay the start of in-person classes and transition to a fully remote learning environment for the beginning of the spring 2021 semester at all campus locations. This decision was made following extensive analysis and scenario planning given worsening virus conditions nationally and across the state indicating predictions of rising hospitalization rates in the coming weeks.