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Lily Goldberg Transfer Tuesday

Photo of the Week: Abington Transfer Spotlight

Meet Lily Goldberg, sophomore Kinesiology major. "After leaving my old university I decided to take a semester off to focus on finding out how I am going to complete my college education. I considered a variety of options, however, Penn State was always in the back of my mind. Abington has helped me realize who I want to be in the future and who I am currently as a person. In my short two years at Abington, I have already made connections with professors, advisers, and peers who I am confident will help me get to the career path I seek".

Lake Mývatn area

Lake Mývatn area

Day 7: Also visit Dimmuborgir lava fields (also known as the Black Fortress), Hverfell volcanic crater, and the Myvatn natural hotsprings.

Iceland mountain and waterfall


The group will tour much of scenic Iceland including black sand beaches, majestic waterfalls, and a rift between two tectonic plates separating Europe from North America.