There are two different versions of the Health Humanities major, a B.A. and a B.S. (for details see the university bulletin listing for B.A. and B.S.)
Requirements for B.A. and B.S. in Health Humanities
All students must complete the Prescribed Courses (9 credits):
BIOET 110N: Health, Illness, and the Human Condition: Introduction to Health Humanities
PHIL 132/BIOET 100: Bioethics
BMH 490: Capstone/Research Seminar
Choose one of these Additional Courses (3 credits):
- CAS/ENGL/SOC 162N: Communicating Care
- AFAM/BBH 302: Diversity and Health
- ASIA 106N: Asian Traditions of Health, Medicine, and the Body
- HIST/STS 124: History of Western Medicine
Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts Requirement:
- For B.A. choose 6 credits from the list below
- For B.S. choose 3 credits from the list below
Supporting Courses and Related Areas (24 credits total for all students):
- Choose 12 credits from the Culture, Society and Health Communication list below
- Choose 12 credits from the Social Sciences and Health Care list below
Diversity requirement: At least 3 credits in Additional or Supporting Courses must be for a course related to race, gender, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, and/or postcolonial issues. (Marked * in course lists below.)
Global/Transnational requirement: At least 3 credits in Additional or Supporting Courses must be for a course that has a focus that is transnational or outside the United States. (Marked # in course lists below.)
400-level requirement: At least 12 credits in Additional or Supporting Courses must be at the 400-level
A single course may not be used to meet both the Diversity and Global/Transnational requirements.
None of the required courses for the major may be counted toward General Education requirements, EXCEPT STAT 200 or STAT 250 (BS only).
Extra requirement for B.S. only
Choose 7-8 credits from the following options:
- STAT 200: Elementary Statistics OR STAT 250: Introduction to Biostatistics
- BIOL 110: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity OR BIOL 161/162: Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
- BIOL 220W: Biology: Populations and Communities
NOTE: In consultation with the departmental advisor/program chair, courses not currently on the list may be used to meet one of the requirements if they focus on a topic or theme within the health humanities, including Special Topics courses with content that varies by instructor. For additional information, please contact the Program Chair for Health Humanities, Dr. Pierce Salguero ([email protected]).
Approved courses in the Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts
Any course where you express yourself creatively, including studio arts, music, theater, film, digital media, creative writing, and more (check with your advisor). Courses include but are not limited to the following:
- AA 122: Introduction to Graphic Storytelling
- AA 193N: The Craft of Comics
- ART 110: Ideas as Visual Images
- ART 111: Ideas as Objects
- ART 144Z: Climate Change: Arts, Agency and Activism
- ART 220: Figure Drawing
- ART 230: Beginning Sculpture
- ART 240: Beginning Printmaking
- ART 250: Beginning Oil Painting
- ART 280: Beginning Ceramics
- ART 320: Advanced Drawing
- ART 330: Intermediate Sculpture
- ART 340: Printmaking
- ART 350: Intermediate Painting
- ART 380: Intermediate Throwing
- ART 381: Intermediate Handbuilding
- ART 404: Art And Life And Where They Intersect
- ART 422: Advanced Figure Drawing
- ART 438: The Body: Issues and Objects
- CAS 280W: Storytelling and Speaking
- COMM 242: Basic Video/Filmmaking
- DANCE 260: Introduction to Modern Dance
- DANCE 261: Beginning Modern Dance I
- DART 202: 3D Digital Art and & Computer Graphics
- ENGL 050: Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENGL 212: Introduction to Fiction Writing
- ENGL 213: Introduction to Poetry Writing
- ENGL 214: Introduction to Creative Nonfiction Writing
- ENGL 215: Introduction to Article Writing
- ENGL 412: Advanced Fiction Writing
- ENGL 413: Advanced Poetry Writing
- ENGL 415: Advanced Nonfiction Writing
- ENGL 416: Science Writing
- KEYBD 100: Piano
- PHOTO 100: Introduction to Photography
- PHOTO 200: Photo Studio 1
- PHOTO 300: Photo Studio 2
- STRNG 100: Violin
- THEA 100: The Art of Theatre
- THEA 101N: Performance and Society
- THEA 102: Fundamentals of Acting
- THEA 105: Introduction to Theatre
- THEA 120: Acting I
- THEA 121: Fundamentals of Acting II
- THEA 222: Acting Laboratory
- VOICE 100: Voice
- WWNDS 100: Flute
Approved courses in Culture, Society and Health Communication
- *AFAM/ BBH 302: Diversity and Health
- # ASIA 106N: Asian Traditions of Health, Medicine, and the Body
- # ASIA / RLST 109H: What is the self?
- # ASIA 460Y: Research Seminar in Asian Religion & Medicine
- BIOET 220N: Ethics, Society, and Science Fiction
- CAS/ENGL/SOC 162N: Communicating Care
- CAS 453: Health Communication Theory and Research
- * ENGL 228: Introduction to Disability Studies in the Humanities
- ENGL 401: Studies in Genre (when taught by Stephen Cohen)
- HIST/STS 124: History of Western Medicine
- HIST 125N: History of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology
- # HIST 424 - Comparative History of Sports and Politics
- # HIST 455: The History of Epidemics
- # HIST 460Y: Research Seminar in Asian Religion & Medicine
- HIST 493: History of Death and Mourning
- HUM 100N: Foundations in the Humanities: Understanding the Human Experience
- PHIL/RLST 132: Bioethics
- PHIL 242N: Happiness and Well-Being
- PHIL 432: Medical and Healthcare Ethics
- # RLST 460Y: Research Seminar in Asian Religion & Medicine
Approved courses in Social Sciences and Health Care
- BBH 119: Behavior, Health, and Disease
- BBH 143: Drugs, Behavior, and Health
- BBH 146: Introduction to Health and Human Sexuality
- BBH/CRIMJ 150N: Safe and Sound: The Intersection of Criminal Justice and Public Health
- BBH 201N: Health and the Media
- BIOL 155: Introduction to the Biology of Aging
- HDFS 301: Values and Ethics in Health and Human Development Professions
- HDFS 429: Advanced Child Development
- HDFS 445: Development through Adulthood
- HPA 57: Consumer Choices in Health Care
- KINES 100: The Cultural and Behavioral Foundations of Kinesiology
- NUTR 251: Introductory Principles of Nutrition
- PSYCH 243: Introduction to Well-being and Positive Psychology
- PSYCH 416: Development through Adulthood
- PSYCH 422: Human Sexuality
- PSYCH 470: Abnormal Psych
- PSYCH 473: Behavior Modification
- PSYCH 497: The Psychology of Eating
- * RHS 100: Introduction to Disability Culture
- RHS 300: Introduction to Rehabilitation and Human Services
- * RHS 401: Community Mental Health Practice and Services
- RHS 402: Children and Families in Rehabilitation Settings and Human Services
- * RHS 403: Medical Aspects of Disability
- * SOC 110: Sociology of Gender
- SOC 150N: Healthy People, Healthy Society
- SOC 451: Health, Disease & Society