Graduation Fair! April 17 and 18, 2025
- All students graduating, regardless of whether you plan on attending commencement, are invited to the graduation fair.
- Congratulations Class of 2025! What are your career plans following graduation? Still working on your career plans? Let Career and Professional Development help, contact us today to set up an appointment: [email protected]. Please click here for the short survey. You may be prompted to log in using your PSU email and password.
- Place orders for class rings, diploma frames, graduation announcements, and other commemorative items.
- Pre-order your academic regalia (cap, gown and tassel) here by March 4. You will pay and pick-up your academic regalia at the Graduation Fair on April 17 and 18 from the Campus Bookstore in the Lares building. Please select 'STUDENT 2025 GRAD' when choosing your regalia.
- This will be the only time students can pick up your four guest tickets
- Academic and Military honor cords will be distributed at the Graduation Fair.
- You only need to attend once and may come at any time during the dates and times listed. Your time at the fair should last no more than 30 minutes to ensure you meet with all offices represented at the fair.
- While no specific attire is required, if you intend on taking pictures with Grad Images, please review here.