Adult Life Crises: Not Just for Men Anymore!
During the first half of the 1900s, psychologists assumed that adult personality development was stable and unchanging. In the mid-1900s, Erik Erikson proposed that there are crises or turning points that characterize all stages of personality development, including the middle years. But his theorizing and the work of other researchers in the latter decades of the 1900s focused primarily on middle-aged males. In recent years, attention has turned to the middle-aged female who, like her male counterpart, may feel the need to express aspects of her personality at mid life that were suppressed in the service of other paths and decisions chosen at earlier points in time. We will speak about the possibilities for a seasoned woman’s dream fulfillment and self-actualization in her Second Adulthood.
Dr. Judith Newman
Growing Old Successfully
What is the best way to grow old? Not surprisingly, this question has no single answer. We will discuss both personality and health issues. Some older people are happy to relax and have quiet days following retirement while others feel a need to attend committee meetings, take courses at local colleges, or learn new hobbies. We will discuss these different styles of growing old successfully. We will also discuss the new research on longevity and how to live many more years healthfully.
Dr. Judith Newman