I would struggle, I would flounder, I would fail. I would rise from the ashes, I would thrive, I would succeed. As I approach my graduation, I look back on everything that happened. My personal journey to graduation has been long and tough, but I don’t regret a thing.
Purchasing a $60,000 mobile video robot to inspect stormwater pipes didn’t fit into Horsham Township’s budget. So officials turned to Abington engineering majors, who delivered Stormbot on time and way, way under budget.
Teams of students from Abington and Germany compete to develop the best solution to a problem posed by a company in the Philadelphia region within 48-hours.
Why choose the multidisciplinary engineering (MDE) option? Alumni and employers say students graduate with hands-on experience integrating engineering disciplines with an emphasis on design systems, engineering, and robotics.
An Abington student unearthed a soldier's unread Civil War diary while interning at a local museum. Her historical detective work shed new light on life during a pivotal time in America, and her findings are available to the public.